This style was deleted by its author, Yog@userstyles

Yog@userstyles deleted this style

Try fluid gramajda instead of this deleted style.

See other styles

Pardus Ships

Added by Yog@userstyles, Created: May 29, 2008, Updated: Nov 27, 2008
No screenshot


This replaces all ship images (big and small) with those you put on your HDD for the browser game Pardus.
You need to put them in a certain location, exactly as the filepath directs.
The linking to your HDD images is Firefox specific. If you are not on Firefox, all background-image:url needs to point with a right filepath to a place on your HDD. You can change it by performing simple find&change in a text editor.
If you are on Firefox, make sure you have put your images in the right directory of ...Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\img\ships (in case of windoze)

It does not matter if you are using normal imagepack at he same time and so the style will work the same if you have an imagepack enabled or disabled in your pardus account settings

You need to have all images the style is replacing in the right location, or the missing images won't be displayed at all, not even the originals.

The style includes altering of these:


Applies to:

Related styles:

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