Touhouvania Facebook

Added by gjcypher@userstyles, Created: May 25, 2012, Updated: Apr 19, 2017
  • With the style applied
  • Timeline View
  • With the style applied (Generated screenshot)
  • Without the style applied (Generated screenshot)


Based off the fan based Touhou game Touhouvania, this features the artwork of Koumajou AKA Touhouvania and Koumajou 2- Stranger's Requiem

More info
1.1 Bugfixes, fixed admin panel, darkened rgba to make reading text easier.
1.2 Bugfixes, added rgba to more panels.
1.3 Added transparency to jumpbar
2.0 Used new artwork for Timeline background, moved image sources to more secure server
2.1 Added transparency to game banners
2.2 Fixed color issue on help page
3.0 Fixed transparency in messages page
3.1 Color fixes for Social Fixer bar
3.2 Bugfix for broken background image for some users
4.0 Added new Touhou kanji to replace facebook logo; Simplified code for faster load.
4.1 Fixed visibility in message window.
4.2 rgba fixes to edit page
4.3 Color and rgba fixes to timeline; added back timeline bar.
4.4 Color fixes. Removed new FB logo in favor of current logo
4.5 Color fixes throughout facebook
4.6 Color fixes on invite panel
4.7 Smoother design, more color fixes and extraneous borders removed.
4.8 Removed pesky "f" logo
4.9 Bugfixes; regorganization of code
4.9 Major Updates to improve main page appearance, added back all but trending and facebook trademark

Applies to:,,

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