Confluence rich text editor - show tags

Added by Graham Hannington@userstyles, Created: Jul 16, 2012, Updated: Aug 09, 2012
With the style applied


Shows start and end tags in the Confluence 4 rich text editor.

More info
Works in Firefox. Nits:
  • Does not show br (line break) or img (image) tags. If you know how to apply CSS to br or img elements, please tell me.
  • The cursor goes invisible when it is adjacent to an end tag (the cursor is still there, you just can't see it).
Does not work in Chrome. I think this is because the CSS rules select elements

Change history (yyyy-mm-dd)
Added a @-moz-document wrapper to restrict this user style to Confluence rich text editor pages.
Adjusted regexp in @-moz-document wrapper to include create action, not just edit.

Applies to:
all URLs

Related styles:

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