This style was deleted by its author, mod_wastrel@userstyles

mod_wastrel@userstyles deleted this style

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usoMain simpleStyle

Added by mod_wastrel@userstyles, Created: Jul 25, 2012, Updated: Sep 04, 2012
No screenshot


A simple style for (main site only, see for my complementary forum style).

This is another style derived primarily from the colors & design of the Stylish stained-glass icon. To complete the picture, consider adding (yep, more Stylish colors for your content window :D ). Plus, if you're using the default Stylish [Orion] editor, then could make it easier to find/read the doc/comments in the code.

[ ] Coded for Firefox/Gecko This style was coded using the current version of Firefox--14.0.1 as I write this. If you're using an older version and encounter a problem with the style's code, then let me know and I'll take a look at it to see if I can resolve the issue; I haven't coded anything in the style specifically to support previous releases of Firefox. As new versions are released, I'll be testing the style with them to verify it works as it should.

More info
Note - 18Sep2012: coming with the next update, a with and on hover.

Note - 10Aug2012: among other things, code added to allow positioning of the author styles page menu to the sidebar:
Coming soon: options to move 'Show code' button to top right (look like a tab) and setting different colors for viewing the code:
And some more new stuff:

Note - 06Aug2012: update for the 'Show code' button left/right padding -- a reset actually (and this is weird)... I'd been using one setting for all the time prior to posting; then right before posting, I had to modify the setting--but none of the spacing between elements had changed; well, I just made a note of the anomaly and adjusted the values; now, whatever caused the change before seems to have "changed back", and I've put the paddings back to their "original" values, I guess I'll have to track down what's changing and where. UPD: something is making the 'Show code' label on the button flip-flop between 94px and 96px wide (but it's monospace and that shouldn't happen). UPD2: great... it's the browser.display.focus_ring_width value (could be anything, but typically people either leave it at the default '1' or set it to '0' to turn it off) ...there goes my Post-It Notes flag motif for the button (bummer). UPD3: (FWIW, this is a[nother] bug in Firefox. The focus ring has always been an outline. Outlines do not affect pixel spacing--they replace/overlay existing pixels, not insert/delete them. The focus ring width should have no effect on adjacent elements... but it does now.) I'll leave it the way it is with the assumption that the user has kept the default value for focus ring width (and add that 'width' thingy :D ).

Note - 03Aug2012: updated with latest code--set for defaults [still need to add options and doc to the code]; the images below are more current than the ones above have replaced the ones formerly used above (though some things haven't changed in appearance much if at all, others have changed noticeably)

Note - 01Aug2012: update coming soon--basically the same design but "cleaned up" (yeah, I know about that little issue with the footer), plus several alternate layouts (In version parlance I guess you'd call this Release Candidate 2 [presumptous, no?].) Here's a look:
(Notable changes: the default page background color is changing from white to a variety of pale yellows and the header, footer, and sidebar elements will be position:fixed.) Some planned future features/options:

I just wanted something I didn't mind looking at--something clean and functional; so I put this together--trying to make as few mods to the default styling as possible and then threw in code from a few of my older styles (which needed only a little updating).

Use it, mess with it, ignore it--whatever works for you. It's getting close to finished**--not much more to do on it (beyond a fix or two for any problems/issues that arise during use or unless inspiration strikes [or, maybe, if the site changes again]). :D (**finished--that point where you can't think of anything more to do)

  • 04Sep2012: added a bunch of new options in the code (see comments there); additional styling for the Help pages; a few minor tweaks across the board--most notably that links are consistently the same [dark blue] color and don't show :visited state until hovered (which I find makes it easier to read the text)
  • 10Aug2012: added code for alternate location of styles menu and some option doc
  • 08Aug2012: added a couple options to the code (more to come); reworked the author styles menu
  • 04Aug2012: added some code for the [better looking] front pages (home, categories, contact)
  • 27Jul2012: cleaner look for pagination, customized Lightbox, updated 'Show code', and some stuff only of use to authors

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CC0 1.0 Universal.
mod_wastrel@userstyles has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to usoMain simpleStyle, to the extent allowed by law.

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