Google - Dark Shiny Blue, transparency

Added by DaedalusIcarusHelios@userstyles, Created: Jul 21, 2008, Updated: Mar 08, 2011
  • With the style applied
  • With the style applied (Generated screenshot)
  • Without the style applied (Generated screenshot)


For iGoogle, Google search, Google Maps, Google Reader, etc.

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More info
3/8/11 - Fixed top bar and Gooooogle navigation images
10/6/10 - Few updates for google images, logo fix on results, misc.
9/8/10 - updated the logo for the instant search.
9/1/10 - Fixed a things, such as the iGoogle results dropdown when typing, and the input fields for the gadgets for Wikipedia and Google Translate
5/14/10 - Themed Firefox start page (
5/14/10 - Many fixes for Google changes which caused many white boxes
4/27/10 - Fixes for iGoogle feeds and Google Reader content which had scroll bars for no apparent reason
4/12/10 - Fixes for iGoogle
12/16/09 - Fixes for normal google search starting page, Gooooogle fixed, misc. other fixes, bookmarks
11/30/09 - More Google Reader fixes
11/26/09 - Google Reader fixes
11/14/09 - Fixed Google Video header (showing up white), and the Goooogle results graphic at the bottom
11/3/09 - Another tweak for WbMynd
11/2/09 - Results from WebMynd firefox add-on themed
11/1/09 - Major update; includes Google Maps and Google Video now; Images page fixed
7/14/09 - Themed the Goooogle part at the bottom finally
7/13/09 - Fixed logos, added text shadows
5/22/09 - Added German and Greek urls, added prefix that should cover all google sites that start with, which seemed to work for
3/27/09 - Changed input fields to be black with lighter text
3/13/09 - Fixed a few things such as shopping and Google chat in iGoogle
2/26/09 - Fixed main page logo, styled the bar that shows info on an image when clicked from results
2/4/09 - Fixed logos (Google changed code again)
1/15/09 - Fixed iGoogle canvas background and More menu is no longer white
***old updates truncated from list***

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