Fixing comments for Disqus

Added by zlionsfan@userstyles, Created: Sep 20, 2012, Updated: Mar 11, 2014
  • With the style applied (Generated screenshot)
  • Without the style applied (Generated screenshot)


To undo some of the changes from the recent change: avatar sizing, too much whitespace, etc. I know that Disqus has made some changes that are breaking some of my changes; I'm working on fixing them.

More info
Updated 9 Nov 2012 - adjusting replying-to name and time posted

Updated 27 Nov 2012 - pulling replies much farther to the left so that we can actually read nested comments

Note: this does not currently work in Chrome. Unfortunately, WebKit-based browsers do not understand the @-moz declaration that I use to identify Disqus, so I will have to find another approach for Chrome users.

Updated 17 Feb 2014 - overriding Disqus' attempt to make the voting controls near-invisible

Updated 11 Mar 2014 - fixing Disqus' attempt to disguise that you've downvoted, keeping symbol red.

Applies to:

Related styles:

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