This style was deleted by its author, LouCypher@userstyles

LouCypher@userstyles deleted this style because of "outdated"

Try FriendFeed Persian 0.9 instead of this deleted style.

See more styles for Friendfeed

FriendFeed - Allow viewing multiple-line comments

Added by LouCypher@userstyles, Created: Jul 30, 2008, Updated: May 16, 2011
No screenshot


This is for viewing only. To write multiple-line comment, use Notepad and paste the text to FriendFeed comment textarea.

More info
- 2011-05-16: changed '-moz-pre-wrap' to 'pre-wrap'
- 2008-08-03: added "url-prefix("
- 2008-07-31: initial release

Applies to:,

Related styles:

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