ActiveInbox Big Status Counts

Added by dvdmon@userstyles, Created: Oct 14, 2012, Updated: Mar 15, 2013


This style makes the status indicators/counts at the top of your gmail screen, for those with the ActiveInbox plugin, much larger and brighter, and with different colors. It also makes the notes field much larger and colored so that it cannot be missed.

More info
Release 1.2.1 - Added a Notes field for display when an email with a note is shown in a list, made note field normal size when vieiwing individual email

Release 1.2 - Made the Notes field much larger, yellow, and surrounded by a boxed border - to look more like a note and also to make it very difficult to miss!

Release 1.1 - Latest changes by AIB broke this script so I needed to alter it to work again.

Release 1.0 - made exensive additions to the style which allow for different colors for each of the different counts. You can modify these to suit your own tastes, these are what I came up with which made some sense to me. Of course you don't need to pin all of these different ones to the top, and I'd argue that the fewer you put up, the more effective they become.

Release 0.1 - initial style with larger buttons for some statuses.

Applies to:

Related styles:

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