Joomla! - Condensed Backend

Added by Ohne Mitleid@userstyles, Created: Oct 30, 2012, Updated: Dec 19, 2012
  • With the style applied
  • With the style applied (Generated screenshot)
  • Without the style applied (Generated screenshot)


Eliminates/condenses unnecessary space used by controls that are "parked" but will never attend the event.
This style is for the Bluestork default template. Installation instructions below.

More info
To install the style, follow these steps:
- Copy/Paste the style code into a text file
- Save the text file as custom.css
- Copy the custom.css file to JOOMLA\administrator\templates\bluestork\css where "JOOMLA" is the name of your Joomla! installation directory
- Edit the index.php file for JOOMLA\administrator\templates\bluestork\index.php where "JOOMLA" is the name of your Joomla! installation directory. Near the top of index.php file is a section containing the other CSS files used by the template. Find this section:


then add the line for the custom.css file. Like so:


Save your modified index.php file.
- Refresh your browser or open/close Joomla! backend Administrator for the style to take effect

Tested functional for the latest versions of Firefox, Chrome and Opera on Windows 7 operating system. Fails miserably on IE and is too quirky to be useful on Safari.

Applies to:
all URLs

Related styles:

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