Todoist [:] Clean Focus

Added by SilverGecko@userstyles, Created: Aug 09, 2008, Updated: Mar 19, 2009
With the style applied


Amir uses whitespace effectively to help you focus on the tasks at hand.
My style takes this idea further by removing all unnecessary, distracting elements and using a color scheme that gives your tasks the attention they deserve.

For the sake of a clean, focused interface, the Clean Focus style:
(o) Removes top right print icon while keeping print function accessible
(o) Removes bottom right 'more' cog while keeping that menu accessible
(o) Removes the query box's unnecessary 'go' icon
(o) Lessens the intensity of color of the focused category on the left
(o) Compacts the todo list an agreeable amount
(o) Removes entirely all gaudy blue links and mouseovers
(o) Removes all history items, though this is easily undone
(o) Improves the priority representation, no longer using altered font colors

Note: if you need to get to Todoist's task histories, just turn the style off for a minute using the Stylish icon at the bottom of Firefox, by unchecking Clean Focus.


Applies to:

Related styles:

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