Joystiq Lite - Removes Ads, Sidebars, Footer, more

Added by The MAZZTer@userstyles, Created: Aug 09, 2008, Updated: Dec 11, 2008
With the style applied


Removes the ads, sidebars, and footer from, as well as removing most of the header except for the search box and a now-transparent JoyStiq logo.

In addition, The initial pictures or flash videos seen in most posts, which with most Stylish stylesheets have whitespace around them, now allow text to wrap around them , with less wasted whitespace.

Known problem: Bullets can cut into images. Not sure how to fix it.

Sorry about any poor screenshot quality, the filesize limitations on screenshots are bafflingly low.

[Edit: A newspost on Joystiq today had a non-floating image. I have tweaked the stylesheet to fix that.]

[Edit: Another quick fix.]

[Edit: Fixes due to changes in the site design, also made some changes to search results pages and article pages to remove more clutter and make more room for comments.]

Applies to:

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