This style was deleted by its author, WOLead@userstyles

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Tapiture Page Width Reduction

Added by WOLead@userstyles, Created: Nov 25, 2012, Updated: Oct 11, 2013
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A simple reduction in the width that Tapiture holds its images so only a max of six columns may show, rather then seven.

More info
Originally created due to a problem on Firefox, where there is quite a bit of lag with the "endless" scrolling of the images when trying to scroll down with the tiles spanning across the entire 1920 pixel range of a monitor. Thus, a small edit to the width helps ease off the pressure by making less pictures occur on each row (about one or two pictures off of each row). The reduction is just 90% of the browser's space, rather then the full 100% by default.

Minor Code change so that it only limits the width to no more then 1728 px, so its only six columns across rather then seven.

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