
Added by lkhagvaa@userstyles, Created: Jan 15, 2013, Updated: Jan 16, 2013
With the style applied


Blue: 99ccff, 6699ff, 66ddff, 4499cc, 051022
Teal: 99ffff, 66aacc, 66ffff, 44cccc, 052222
Green: 99ffcc, aaff66, 99ff66, 55cc44, 053322
Yellow: ffff66, cccc66, ffff33, dddd11, 444410
Orange: ffcc66, ffaa66, ffbb22, ee8811, 442210
Red: ffaa99, ff6666, ff7777, cc4444, 331010
Plum: ffbbff, cc6699, ff77dd, cc4499, 331022
Purple: bbaaff, 9966ff, cc77ff, 9944cc, 221044
Pink: ffaacc, ff6699, ff77aa, ee6699, 442233
Gray: 99ccff, 6699ff, cccccc, 999999, 222222
Gold: dddd99, aaaa33, eeee88, bbaa44, 333305

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