Sakuya Izayoi Plus

Added by gjcypher@userstyles, Created: Feb 17, 2013, Updated: Apr 09, 2017
  • With the style applied
  • New G+
  • With the style applied (Generated screenshot)
  • Without the style applied (Generated screenshot)


After some time of not making G+ skins, I am back on creating Touhou character skins for G+ and Google. This time, we have the knife-throwing, time-stopping maid, Sakuya Izayoi.

More info
1.1 Changed text color and added alpha filter for better readability.
1.2 Added transparencies to new profile page
1.3 Improved background image resolution
2.0 Major overhaul for new G+
2.1 Color fixes for google search
2.2 Color fixes, added Touhou Logo to replace Google Logo in Plus
2.3 color fixes, fixed icons to make them more visible in home page.
2.4 Color fixes to go with new G+ updates
2.5 Redid background image and moved to a new upload site
3.0 Updated code to CSS3 standards for better stability
3.1 Added rgba filters in Google Search
3.2 Added fixes to new G+ bar
3.3 Added fixes to new G+ layout
3.4 More colorfixes as G+ tweaks their layout
3.5 Slight alterations to Google's taskbar in compliance to changes in source code; reestablished clickable link on title.
3.6 Color fixes on dashboard and circles
3.7 Colorfixes; Coding modified to suit Mozilla changes
3.8 Revamped code on Google Search, Translate, Blog, Books, Images, and Videos; various colorfixes
3.9 Support for mobile version
4.0 Multiple bugfixes; more support for mobile webpage
4.1 Various bug and color fixes; Improved backgrounds for talkgadget
4.2 Added logo to Google Main page; bugfixes
4.3 Colorfixes; made Youtube search in G+ more visible
4.4 Colorfixes; Improved Calendar functionality
4.5 colorfixes; Made a more visible share button
4.6 Colorfixes; Support for all Non-English Google, Thanks Malthinae
4.7 Colorfixes; support for new notifications, removed modded google bell for superior new Google Bell; fixed domain issues
4.8 Added support for Google Photos
4.9 Fixed domain change from talkgadget to; colorfixes
5.0 New G+ Changes

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