Twitch Chat Badge Changer

Added by Hitakashi@userstyles, Created: Mar 06, 2013, Updated: May 03, 2013
  • With the style applied (Generated screenshot)
  • Without the style applied (Generated screenshot)
Broadcaster Badge Color
Moderator Badge Color
Turbo Badge Color
Are you going to be hiding badges?
Hide Broadcaster badge?
Hide Moderator badge?
Hide Turbo badge?
Hide Subscriber badge?
Change username color (Header and sidebar)
Change color on above setting? (Above MUST be yes)
Destructoid (only account) badge
Mystic Badge #Kappa
Pokedude97 Badge
Broadcaster Badge Image:
Moderator Badge Image:
Turbo Badge Image:
Broadcaster Transparency
Moderator Transparency
Turbo Transparency
Block Colors


This script allows you to change the color, Oh wait, AND the image of the Broadcaster, Moderator, and Turbo badges in chat, It also allows you to hide those pesky badges if you hate them. There are a few cosmetic changes that I feel makes twitch look a little...better?, You can enable/disable all these changes to your liking. NOW with chat ignore!, Go to the bottom of the script when you edit it and add the ignored names (More info in addt'l info)


More info
I have now removed the Dark Theme from my style, Check out some of the Dark or
I'm also going to be splitting the cosmetic changes from here into the other style that was meant for the old layout.

Contact: @Hitakashi on Twitter

Note on badge images: Twitch uses a 18x18px transparent image, If you use a 18x18px non-transparent image, You will not be able to see the badge colors. If you try to use images like ... a pokeball that is round but transparent and don't want to use a color, enable transparency at the bottom of the list. (This goes for any image you don't want a color behind it)

For the Ignore Chat Members, You must type the username in lower cast and keep duplicating the code to whoever you want to ignore, Just copy the [class*=username_in_lower_case"] as many times as you want inside the same @-moz-document

**Hiding Broadcaster/Moderator badges at your own risk**

Version Change Badge Image
Added changing of Broadcaster, Moderator, and Turbo image.
Images MUST be 18x18 pixels

Version Twitch Changes Directory
Fixed something that causes Browse Games -> -Game- -> Where it didn't push the content down and made everything mush.

Version 1.x.x
Removed master ball from Poke's Turbo icon because a subscriber has a Master Ball.....Don't know why, but ok.

Version 1.x
I have changed the Script Name and Description. Script is now focused on changing badge colors and hiding them.
Fixed a bug on the Dark Theme so the More Videos under the Video Tab doesn't go Twitch Gray when hovered over.

Version Twitch be a derp
They moved the /new to now default. Unfortunately I have no clue how to make it exclude the directory and /old, So for now it cleaned up some things and the directory looks normal with black tabs (Top right corner) and black search (top right corner). On /old the chat is a bit darkified.

Version Pokeball turbo - Pokedude97
Turbo badge is a Masterball on Pokedude97

Version I should check things
Fixed hiding background yet again, Now it actually hides it on the new layout.

Version I'm doing to many versions in two days.
Fixed hiding background on new layout, before it just added a box in the top left. Now it fills the whole background with the default background.

Version 0.8
Removed all the "Enable XXXXX badge setting?", Now you can just change the color and bam!
Moved the order so all the colors are together and all the hiding badges are below all the colors.

Version 0.7
Removed hiding footer links due to links going to their terms of service.

Version 0.6
Fixed background hiding on new layout

Version 0.5
Fixed DToid head on all channels >.>

Version 0.4
Added a little something for the Destructoid stream. Made the Broadcaster icon to a DToid head. Should work in both chat and dashboard.
(If anyone has an idea for a moderator icon tweet me @Hitakashi)

Version 0.3
Fully created all options, If there is a bug, Comment on it.

Version 0.2
Testing Style Settings - Seeing if they work how I think they do.

Version 0.1
Initial Release

Applies to:, More »

Related styles:

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