Added by GrooveStomp@userstyles, Created: Mar 29, 2013, Updated: Apr 06, 2013


Full restyle of HardOCP.com. Replace main font with Helvetica if possible, otherwise Lucida Sans Unicode, finally falling back on Arial.
Replace all reds and yellows to a easy, low-contrast dark-gray/light-gray scheme.

More info
[2013-04-01 Update]
I fixed the social sharing icons on a per-article basis.
Fixed italicized sections in blockquotes not being readable.

To Do:
- Properly style category pages. Ie., clicking on GPU articles from the main header menu.
- Fix article info box in articles. Show social sharing widgets there.
- Margins on main page news sections are not the same as in articles now. Ie., blockquotes don't stretch right to the borders. The footer controls don't stretch to the borders.

[2013-04-01 Update]
I made the main [H]ardOCP name in the top left link back to the main site. I also updated the css to show the main menu under the title.

To Do:
- Properly style category pages. Ie., clicking on GPU articles from the main header menu.
- Fix article info box in articles. Show social sharing widgets there.
- Italicized (emphasized?) sections in blockquotes appear as black text on black background.

Applies to:

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