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Favtape now like Muxtape!

Added by trashrockx@userstyles, Created: Sep 25, 2008, Updated: Sep 26, 2008
No screenshot


So, sadly, Muxtape is deceased. Or at least what it used to might resurrect as some artist thing. Nevertheless, it might never be as good. Luckily, other websites are stepping up to fill that void, and add a ton of features. Enter You probably know them if you navigated to this page, but whatever. That was my intro.

So here is a cleaned up version. Fixed font-sizes, padding, and colors. Much cleaner and tighter now. More usable than their off-the-wall coloring and sizes.

I eliminated the 'videos' because there is a text link to 'video' already there, and it looks weird with an extra huge image next to it. Now it looks like Muxtape.

Let me know if you run into any bugs in the comments.

Also - I cant remove the ad on the top. Author knows about adblocks and gave it no class for me to target and remove.

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CC0 1.0 Universal.
trashrockx@userstyles has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Favtape now like Muxtape!, to the extent allowed by law.

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