This style was deleted by its author, justmytwospence@userstyles

justmytwospence@userstyles deleted this style because of "So I've decided its just too difficult to have all of these sites supported in one style. I'll be creating individual Solarized styles for each webpage individual. Search for "Solarized _____" to use those instead :)"

Try Google Groups Solarized instead of this deleted style.

See more styles for Google

Solarized (Sepia) Background

Added by justmytwospence@userstyles, Created: Apr 24, 2013, Updated: Apr 29, 2013
No screenshot


Lots of websites have glaring white backgrounds that hurt to look at. This style changes the white backgrounds to a nice book-like sepia tone from the Solarized color palette (

Currently supports:
-Google Groups
-Google Maps

If you are already using a Style for one of these websites, you can remove the URL from the list of affected sites.


More info
I'm currently working on supporting Google Drive and a few others. Send me a message if theres a site you want it to work with. Note that as I add styling for more websites, the styling for current websites might break - let me know if you discover this happening! Let me know what you think!

Applies to:,,, More »
CC0 1.0 Universal.
justmytwospence@userstyles has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Solarized (Sepia) Background, to the extent allowed by law.

Related styles:

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