Google Expand action menu (キャッシュの三角形を元に戻す)

Added by noisys@userstyles, Created: Apr 26, 2013, Updated: Mar 19, 2016
  • With the style applied
  • With the style applied (Generated screenshot)
  • Without the style applied (Generated screenshot)



Return as much as possible to the original display the cached-link of Google.

More info
Ver1.9 - 2016/03/19 fix:class name
Ver1.8 - 2014/07/06 Fix:specification change of Google
Ver1.7 - 2014/06/27 Fix:specification change of Google
Ver1.6 - 2014/06/12 Fix:specification change of Google
Ver1.5 - 2014/06/05 Fix:specification change of Google
Ver1.4 - 2014/06/04 Fix:specification change of Google
Ver1.3 - 2013/06/09 Simplification of CSS
Ver1.2 - 2013/05/29 Add:UnderLine & Hide Background
Ver1.1 - 2013/05/19 Fix:Share button @Google+
Ver1.0 - 2013/04/27 release

Applies to:, https?://www\.google\.*

Related styles:

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