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Gmail Dark Theme Fix

Added by Xosen@userstyles, Created: May 26, 2013, Updated: Jul 05, 2013
No screenshot


Currently, the Gmail Dark Theme, when you open an email, the background is white, and that is not what you would expect in a "dark" theme. My style changes de background to a dark grey and adjusts the color of the texts for better visibility. I'm using the default Dark Theme as a template, so it has to be active for this styles to work. Also, this is a work in progress, so some areas are still with a white background, like the reply and the chat window. This will be changed in time, but for the time being, the style is usable.

More info
July 5, 2013
- Changed background and text color of messages that appear at top center.
- Lighter color for links in emails.
- Lighter color for text of quoted mails.
- Changed link color for contacts.

May 28, 2013
- Darkened the Gmail login page.

Applies to:,

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