Wikipedia - Supplement [by Splark]

Added by Splark@userstyles, Created: Jun 07, 2013, Updated: Nov 27, 2013
  • With the style applied
  • light example
  • With the style applied (Generated screenshot)
  • Without the style applied (Generated screenshot)
glue table of contents to bottom-left?
custom background:
custom background URL (if enabled)::
rounded corners?
remove all but one language in left navigation list?
language's subdomain (if enabled):
add 'lol' at the end of editors' notes?
add Jimmy Wales' eyes burning into your soul on every page?


A supplement to "", providing more options.

Everything is disabled by default. Please select some options before installing:

More info
Notes:More explanation of options:
  1. #1 Glued table-of-contents: This lifts up the table of contents on every article and sticks it in the lower-left of the screen so that it's always visible. It stays under the content by default but will pop up on hover. Can still be collapsed with the "hide" button.
  2. #2 Custom background
  3. #3 Rounded corners
  4. #4 Isolate language: This is useful for people often switching between languages, whose native language doesn't have many articles, or who are trying to pick up a new language. The technical limits of prevents selecting more than one 'protected' language during installation, but more can be added to this by searching in the code for "copy line above", and adding more subdomains there. For example, if you selected "ru" (Russian), you would see:
    #mw-navigation > #mw-panel > #p-lang li[class*="interwiki"][class$="ru"], /* requires $= and not *= because some localization subdomains are hyphenated, like zh-min-nan */
    copy line above to add more languages here
      {display: inline!important;}
    If you also wanted to see "de" (German) and "eo" (Esperanto), you could add to this code, like:
    #mw-navigation > #mw-panel > #p-lang li[class*="interwiki"][class$="ru"], /* requires $= and not *= because some localization subdomains are hyphenated, like zh-min-nan */
    #mw-navigation > #mw-panel > #p-lang li[class*="interwiki"][class$="de"],
    #mw-navigation > #mw-panel > #p-lang li[class*="interwiki"][class$="eo"],
    copy line above to add more languages here
      {display: inline!important;}

  5. #5 lol: Just try it! It changes the tone completely.
  6. #6 Haunted by Jimmy: An excellent gift for a beloved and unsuspecting friend's laptop.
Known issues:
  • Some users with wide screens are having the custom background not stretch to cover the whole page.
Jul 13, 2013 — Small fixes and tweaks. New option to isolate one language in the left navigation menu, based on subdomain.

- - -

List of affected sites for indexing: wikipedia ( wikimedia ( (wikimedia commons (metawiki meta-wiki (wikispecies (wikimedia incubator (wikimedia labs mediawiki wikibooks wikidata wikinews wikiquote wikisource wikiversity wikivoyage wiktionary

Applies to:

Related styles:

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