This style was deleted by its author, Alex_R3CONN3R@userstyles

Alex_R3CONN3R@userstyles deleted this style because of "I gave this style up. Since the first release I had to recreate the WHOLE theme 2 times. A lot of work but not worth it :("

Try Google Play Store (Dark) by Alex_R3CONN3R instead of this deleted style.

See more styles for Google

Google Play Developer Console (Dark)

Added by Alex_R3CONN3R@userstyles, Created: Jun 18, 2013, Updated: Jun 27, 2013
No screenshot
Images from external source or internal?


This style is for developers who want to get a dark layout for the Google Play Developer Console.
Since I don't have acces to the pages like "Game Services" I can't style them. Sorry! :(

For security reasons I let you choose from where you receive the images I had to restyle.

I uploaded the images to
The images are loaded from there.

The images are coded in the css stylesheet as base64 png code.

More info
2013-06-19 First Release
2013-06-20 Some more fixes. Styled images
2013-06-23 Fixed Control Center
2013-06-24 Hotfix for new Layout
2013-06-28 More fixes and I found out how to style statistic graphics :D
2013-07-01 I gave this style up. Since the first release I had to recreate the WHOLE theme 2 times. A lot of work but not worth it :(

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