Vaunt Dark for Furaffinity

Added by ponybells@userstyles, Created: Jul 29, 2013, Updated: Apr 18, 2017


A charcoal and yellow theme for, designed to enlarge otherwise smaller text, dispose of the banner, and provide usability improvements that result in the site looking a bit more modern until as such time the staff can be bothered to roll out new styles that were promised half a decade ago.

Important note: This style works properly when the basic Dark theme is selected on FurAffinity. ponybells can only do so much with fixing the spaghetti there.

DOUBLE IMPORTANT NOTE!: Vaunt Dark will NOT be rewritten to work with the new beta layout for FurAffinity. Much of what Vaunt Dark was written to fix is either fixed in the new layout, or could potentially be fixed as feedback is being given to the beta design group. Vaunt Dark will continue to focus on the Classic style.

More info

Version v17.04.18.01-FX-VTDK:

Fixed the hover menu for user names. Some recent change screwed up the z-index (the axis that determines what layer is something on), making this menu NOT work. I fixed it for my theme.

Version v17.04.01.01-FX-VTDK:

Added font size selectors for stories that actually work, because somehow I missed this.

Made keywords stand out a bit more on each entry.

Fixed the undersized news blob that appears in the upper left corner. Font size brought into compliance.

Version v17.01.26.01-FX-VTDK:

Front page fixed, as well as alignment of the projectors. Important: please consider this theme as being on life support. I'll fix things as they irritate me enough, but I don't use FA as much these days.

Applies to:

Related styles:

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