Hitbox.tv Dark Theme

Added by Blacksmith@userstyles, Created: Nov 20, 2013, Updated: May 13, 2014


************ UPDATED/FIXED MAY 2014 *************
New Update - Fixed chat message color

Changes all hitbox.tv white backgrounds to black and most text to white.
Some chat colors have been adjusted to show up better on a black background.

More info
UPDATE 5/13 - Fixed chat message color

UPDATE 3/17 - Fixed some backgrounds and size of games menu images

UPDATE 3/10 - So recently hitbox decided to make the max width of the browse menu about 400 pixels making it so that only two streams are displayed per line. I've changed the max width back to roughly what it used to be.

UPDATE 3/4 - Darkened following list, chat polls, details page, dashboard

Hitbox Dark Theme - feedback welcomed.

Applies to:

Related styles:

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