Global Domination — Wipe Out!™ dark semantics

Added by Vexerciser@userstyles, Created: Nov 21, 2013, Updated: Dec 19, 2013


"It just works!" ~ a user
"Vimeo and YouTube. Wow!" ~ a user
"Crunchyroll too? Thank you!" ~ a user
"Metacafe looks slick." ~ a user


With the the secret power of CSS inversion technology packed into Global Domination — Wipe Out!™, now you can dominate every web site. Say hello to eye-pleasure.

Other darkening styles wipe out the color-based designs of web sites, the so-called color "semantics". Global Domination — Wipe Out! leaves intact the color contrast effects site designers intended for you.

For those pesky sites that resist Global Domination, install and stomp out remaining nuisances on the most popular sites like Tumblr's dashboard and many more!

More info
NOTE: Be sure to check often through Stylish for updates and then update this.

I am quite active with this style in my quest to make it the best. My quest is to make this style work everywhere with the fewest needed element changes for high-contrast viewing of the Internet.

Why Global Domination — Wipe Out!?

Would you take two lit light bulbs, hold those bulbs within two feet of your eyes and stare into those bulbs for hours at a time?

You have been frying your eyes by looking at endless white backgrounds from a backlit source day-after-day, year-after-year. Web site "designers" might know something about a color wheel and color theory, but likely almost all of them know nothing about optics nor the biology of vision.

Television broadcasters have known about the importance of contrast and motion for sustained visual stimulation from backlit sources for decades. Watch any TV broadcast that features static graphics. Almost always, those graphics feature light text upon dark backgrounds.

The Regular Expression used by Stylish to block some sites betters daily. The goal is to get it so you can add to the pipes sites you want to block from having the style applied.

Right now, you can block:

[1] sites by subdomains
[2] www. sites by domains
[3] sites lacking subdomains including the www. subdw.
[4] subdomains of subdomains

Applies to:
https?:\/\/(?!([\w-]*).mail)(?!mail|imgur|plotagon|mapsengine)[\w]*\.(?!redtube|youporn|yahoo).*, https?:\/\/(?!([\w-]*).mail)(?!mail|imgur|plotagon|mapsengine)[\w]*\.(?!redtube|youporn).*

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