OverbiteFF - Mozilla FTP Directory Style

Added by alexander255@userstyles, Created: Nov 22, 2013, Updated: May 01, 2014
  • With the style applied
  • With the style applied (Generated screenshot)
  • Without the style applied (Generated screenshot)


Make gopher://-URLs viewed with OverbiteFF look like FTP directory listings.

More info
Make gopher://-URLs viewed with OverbiteFF look like FTP directory listings.

Example URL: https://tinyurl.com/ba8ngu

I hereby grant all rights I own on this stylesheet to Cameron Kaiser an the other developers from The Overbite Project in the hope that they will implement this as default.

CreditsVersion history
Version 2 (01.05.2014)
Fixes for FireFox 29, English and Dutch locales
All credit goes to user JeroenED@userstyles
Version 1 (23.11.2013)
Initial release

Applies to:
http://.*, gopher://.*

Related styles:

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