Google Search Home Page Background

Added by freecyber@userstyles, Created: Dec 13, 2013, Updated: Jun 24, 2014
With the style applied
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Customize your own background for google basic search, suitable for use as your home page. Extraneous elements are hidden or auto-hidden. Works in Firefox and Chrome. Should work for most international sites - let me know of problems.

Due to frequent Google changes the top bar is completely auto-hidden for now - I may leave it that way. Hover over the top right area to see it, but text and icons don't look good.

"Google Instant predictions" must be turned off in your search settings. On the Google home page, click on "Settings", then "Search Settings".

My intention is to only include and international equivalents (not search results, image search, etc.)

More info
I appreciate being notified of any odd results, or problems. Do this by starting a new discussion (below) so other users can see the issue and resolution. If I don't respond promptly, feel free to send me a private message letting me know you posted something (otherwise I don't get notified by email)

2014-05-15: make top bar auto-hidden rather than hidden permanently
2014-02-14: fixes for recent google changes
2014-01-24: fixes for recent google changes

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