raw Sen Manga mobile style

Added by Demo_d@userstyles, Created: Mar 15, 2014, Updated: Mar 29, 2015
  • With the style applied
  • With the style applied (Generated screenshot)
  • Without the style applied (Generated screenshot)


屏蔽 raw.SenManga.com 和 www.senmanga.com 广告,方便手机版 Firefox 看 raw Sen Mange 的漫画

More info
2015/03/29 微调

2014/12/15 微调

2014/11/20 修复漫画页没有装 adblock 有广告的 bug

2014/11/01 新设计调整。因为网站本身还在改版,部分页面可能会有 bug

2014/09/04 对新设计做调整

2014/05/06 增加对 www.senmanga.com 的支持

2014/04/19 修复 bug

2014/03/22 修复除漫画页其他页面屏蔽的 bug, 增加注释

Applies to:
raw.senmanga.com, www.senmanga.com, http://raw.senmanga.com/((?!'Manga'|updates|Privacy).*)*, http://www.senmanga.com/((?!releases|directory).*)*

Related styles:

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