This style was deleted by its author, HeartRipper@userstyles

HeartRipper@userstyles deleted this style

Try Aero Ultimate Skin for Facebook v3.1 Beta4 instead of this deleted style.

See other styles

Vista Ultimate Skin for Facebook |@Taskbar| v0.8.1

Added by HeartRipper@userstyles, Created: Nov 25, 2008, Updated: Sep 02, 2009
No screenshot




This skin is obsolete.

SEE Aero Ultimate Skin for Facebook v3.1 Beta4 FOR NEW VERSION

Thanks, Heartripper.


A brand new skin for facebook that brings a bit of Vista-ness in your favourite social network. Everything you need to use it is a recent version of Firefox (3+) with Stylish installed.

Check it out!

This is the part of Vista Ultimate Skin for Facebook styling Facebook's taskbar. See release notes for details.

1. Screenshots [Coming Soon]

2. Compatibility
This skin is compatible with ALL operative system and ALL firefox version compatible with stylish.

3.Release Notes
From v1.4 Vista Ultimate Skin For Facebook has been splitted in two parts for problems regarding the style's lenght:

Vista Ultimate

Applies to:

Related styles:

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