St John Ambulance Victoria, Australia - MSJ

Added by pserwylo@userstyles, Created: Mar 22, 2014, Updated: Mar 31, 2014
  • With the style applied
  • With the style applied (Generated screenshot)
  • Without the style applied (Generated screenshot)


How often have you been discussing upcoming events with other members while on duty, when you both deside to put an EOI in for an event. What do you do? Of course, you pull out your mobile phone, and log into MSJ.

Once logged in, you click on "events", and hope that you can click on the elusive "Future events" before the page refreshes. Then, you need to scroll back and forth, left and right, in order to see which events you are after. Finally, you try really hard not to click the wrong EOI (after all, then actual event name is off to the left of your screen).

This style tries to rectify all of this by removing the cruft, and making the site mobile friendly.

More info
This is a preliminary version. I'm willing to listen to any feedback you have and seeing if I can improve the styles.

TODO: Login screen needs to be done

Applies to:,,,

Related styles:

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