This style was deleted by its author, Apha@userstyles

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Volafile Afternoon

Added by Apha@userstyles, Created: Apr 29, 2014, Updated: Apr 29, 2014
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Once a lion felt hungry. He came out of his den to look for some animal for his food. He saw a hare. It was playing happily under a tree. The lion walked towards the hare. The hare saw the lion and began to run in fear. So the lion also began to run after it. Soon the lion caught the hare.

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Just as the lion raised his fore - foot to kill the hare, he sighted a deer. He thought that the small hare would not fill his belly. So he let the hare go off with long steps. The lion could not catchup with the deer. After a long chase, the lion was tired. He gave up the chase. He felt sorry for letting the hare off.

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CC0 1.0 Universal.
Apha@userstyles has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Volafile Afternoon, to the extent allowed by law.

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