Dark Dailymotion w/ Expanded Video [GRiMiNTENT]

Added by GRiMiNTENT@userstyles, Created: May 29, 2014, Updated: Sep 23, 2014
  • With the style applied
  • Front Page Preview
  • With the style applied (Generated screenshot)
  • Without the style applied (Generated screenshot)


This is a Dark Style for "www.DailyMotion.com"
This is almost complete and looks really nice. very easy on the eyes.
will be fully completed soon.
I hope you enjoy this new style and thank you for using it! :)

Some layout aspects have been changed for example:
1). Videos are now always expanded to their full size.
2). when on a users page the video description is under the video
and is bigger and much easier to read it's something like YouTubes Description Box.
I hope you enjoy the new look! Thanks! :D

If you would like to have this style without Expanded Video switch to my other version of this theme that removes it.
http://freestyler.ws/style/96537/dark-dailymotion-w-o-expanded-video-grimintent Please do not take credit for this style and please give credit to me where it is due. Thank you.

More info
Updated: 2014/09/23
Minor Fixes.

Updated: 2014/07/03
Minor Fixes.

Applies to:
dailymotion.com, advertising.dailymotion.com, openvod.dailymotion.com, blog.dailymotion.com

Related styles:

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