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Grooveshark Transparent DARK (Retro)

Added by Mullins@userstyles, Created: Jun 18, 2014, Updated: Mar 16, 2015
No screenshot
1 Body opacity
2 Widescreen options
3 Broadcast header
4 Chat options
5-1 Minimal chat: feedback
5-2 Minimal chat: now playing
5-3 Minimal chat: suggestion added
5-4 Minimal chat: suggestion approved
6 Notifications
7 Broadcast actions
8 Radio/Chat switches
9 Outer Glow
10 Suggestions background (recommended size: 650x340px):
11 Background options
-- 11a BG Color 1 (for gradient and solid option)
-- 11b BG Color 2 (for gradient option)
-- 11c BG Image (for image option):
12 Ads and VIP Badge
13 Upgrade button
14 Emoji
15 GSX Support
-- 15a GSX Friend Activity
-- 15b GSX Nested Chat Separator
-- 15c GSX Chat Notification
16 Custom Emoticons
17 Suggestion List Options (for guest/broadcaster)


Dark style for gs with options.
It includes a black background with transparency, images with rounded corners, combo boxes with gradients, a more compact broadcast view, no footer, and many other tweaks.
Read notes for the changelog and info about each option.

↓ Select options below ↓

More info

Body opacity: choose between no page background, solid color and gradient with different opacity.

Widescreen options: adds and extra 100px to the page width and adjust elements to fit to it.

Broadcast header: resizes and reposition elements inside the bc header.

Chat options: 2 color schemes for the broadcast chat (grey, black).

Mimimum chat options (feedback): removes the info messages when someone guests, enters or leaves the broadcast.

Mimimum chat options (now playing, suggestions, suggestion approved): compact will hide the image and action buttons from the selected element, remove will hide the whole message).

Broadcast actions: adds a low-opacity white box to the broadcast actions (vote/menu). Makes buttons more visible with dark backgrounds.

Suggestions background: changes the broadcast empty suggestion box background to the selected image. There's also an option to use a custom picture (recommended size: 650x340px).

Background options: changes grooveshark background to the selected color scheme. Last option will use a custom image, use the option below this one to choose it.

Image replacement: changes grooveshark background to the selected image. There's also an option to use a custom picture (recommended size: 1920x1080px). This will change all backgrounds (default, user and broadcast).

Ads and VIP Badge: removes all ads (alternative to Adblock) and vip badge in broadcast chat.

Grooveshark Extended: alternative style for gs extended script (

Upgrade button: moves button to the left of the user menu (also makes it less intrusive) or remove it.

Notifications: shrinks notification pop up, removes icon on the left, replaces background color and adds transparency.

Outer glow: adds outer glow to most elements inside pages. Different opacity settings and colors.

Radio/Chat switches: removes switches used to turn on/off radio mode and broadcast chat, also removes option from context menu.

Emoji: unlocks access to selector and changes emoji panel theme (only useful if you use GSX or you have a subscription -link below-). Option to remove button to the emoji panel.

Custom Emoticons: swaps gs default emoji set (it will change the emoji just for you).

Suggestion List Options (for guest/broadcaster): colored buttons with extra space between them (to avoid accidental blocks on songs); option to remove the reject button.


Version history:

2.5.5 - changed broadcast block button color.
2.5.4 - added option to remove or customize the suggestion list approve/reject buttons.
2.5.3 - added SS emoji set.
2.5.2 - added Google Hangout emoji set.
2.5.1 - updated gsx mark and autovotes in bc queue.
2.5 - added custom emoticons option, added rr suggestion bg.
2.4 - added gsx guest list support; added option to remove vip badge in broadcast chat (included in remove ads).
2.3.5 - fixed notification button and gsx preferences page.
2.3.4 - fixed tooltip background; fixed gsx lightbox border; fixed top notification overlay; fixed play-pause buttons.
2.3.3 - changed top menu colors; included context menu in main style; cleaned css.
2.3.2 - updated gsx options (gsx v2.1.0); compact now-playing box and dark buttons included in main style; removed default and white chatbox options; changed all icons for more visibility.
2.3.1 - added custom background color option.
2.3 - made some changes to the css; now compatible with gsx v2.
2.2 - added emoji option, changed chat options icon; adjusted chat input height; added animation to profile lightbox.
2.1 - added notification option.
2.0.2 - added image rollover for broadcast header and now-playing song (only when compact option is installed).
2.0.1 - fixed muted icon rollover; tweaked top menu (top left gs icon; collapsed search box; bigger user avatar); added shadow to avatars in chat; tweaked context menu colored links (basic and gsx); removed overlay mask in offline broadcast chat; reworked user pages navigation menu.
2.0 - added glow option; remove switches option; more transparent lightboxes (share song, edit broadcast).
1.9.2 - added lightbox transparency; tweaked sidebar menu.
1.9.1 - changed user collection and playlist backgrounds.
1.9 - added context menu and tooltip option.
1.8 - added option for "upgrade" button.
1.7.1 - changed code to remove "upgrade" button.
1.7 - added broadcast actions option.
1.6 - added option to remove ads.
1.5.2 - removed "upgrade" button from top bar.
1.5.1 - removed invite box from chat; moved gs extended changes in options.
1.5 - added minimal chat; compact header; and compact broadcast suggestion box options.
1.4.1 - added compatibility for non-broadcast pages; extended custom button color option; made some fonts easier to read.
1.4 - added button style option; tweaks to box transparency; fixed font color in some tabs.
1.3 - added body opacity option.
1.2 - changed tooltips/upload lightbox/chatbox color schemes; added solid color background to playlists; tweaked widescreen comments/form size; added default option for chatbox; cleaned css a bit.
1.1.1 - fixed chat box size for suggested/accepted/song change notifications.
1.1 - added background/suggestion option; grey chatbox.
1.0 - released on

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