This style was deleted by its author, Weishun@userstyles

Weishun@userstyles deleted this style

Try Google Calendar ("Slate Series") instead of this deleted style.

See more styles for Google

Google Reader ("Slate Series")

Added by Weishun@userstyles, Created: Nov 16, 2006, Updated: Nov 23, 2006
With the style applied


By popular demand...OK, so one guy asked for it but I'm sure there were a lot more wanted it... 8-þ

Number four in the Google Slate Series.

This, BTW, is part of an actual "series"; not just the same style with a colour code, in it, changed.

LouCypher's excellent show/hide sidebar is incorporated.

ADDED 11/19/06 ~ Thanks, LouCypher. Nathan's "Google Reader Optimized" wasn't mentioned as, until just now, I hadn't seen it.

Applies to:,

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