Steam Smart-Note Blocker

Added by Hyokkuda Ryosan@userstyles, Created: Jul 26, 2014, Updated: Jul 26, 2014


Steam Smart-Note Blocker helps you to remember the reason why you have blocked various users by placing a small note made by you below their red blocked text.

More info
Version: 1.0.0

1. In Chrome or Firefox, right-click the gray box from the blocked user.
2. Select "Inspect Element".
3. Look for their data-miniprofile="
4. Copy their data-miniprofile ID and paste it into the Steam Smart-Note Blocker Stylish window
5. Type the reason why you have blocked the specific user.
6. Save your changes and do the same with other users by copying the first code ONLY.

Be sure to check out the screenshots for better understanding.

If you got more than one person who was a scammer, and you wish to go faster by simply adding their data-miniprofile ID without having to write the reasons again, you can simply add a comma at the end of ":after" like the example below:

[data-miniprofile*=""] .blockedText:after, [data-miniprofile*=""] .blockedText:after {
content: "Blocked for scamming" !important;

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