nightman 1.1

Added by Digit@userstyles, Created: Aug 03, 2014, Updated: Aug 03, 2014
  • With the style applied (Generated screenshot)
  • Without the style applied (Generated screenshot)


no glare, rich, royal gold violet and dark. good night or day, nice transparencies, soft on the eyes. same as nightman, but a little bit better.

More info
version 1.1
start of improvements to come.

massive praise and thanks to vetinari for the original:
NightShift - Eye Care
i'm just a pleb who tweaked some colours, added some transparencies.

name inspired by a song i heard once or twice or more... and may have sung repeatedly like a maniac... and may have to accompany this style with another called dayman. it's always sunny in my stylesheets.

Applies to:
http://, https://, about:blank

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