Snowflake Minima Black

Added by ScimitarF@userstyles, Created: Oct 19, 2014, Updated: Oct 19, 2014
With the style applied


A minimalistic flat UI theme for TweetDeck.

More info
Based upon and features of's Modern TweetDeck, plus a bit of my own, here comes Snowflake Minima Black.
Yes, the thing is damned buggy, but we're working on it.
Also, the code is pretty messy, since it's a fork of another project and a bit of my own messy and rusty CSS skills.
Please note that the screenshot was taken with Better TweetDeck Chrome extension applied, and the rounded avatars or textless buttons on the compose panel aren't part of the default theme. I can implement rounded avatars if you want to, though.
Also, you need to use it with Dark TweetDeck.

Had to remove the custom font, but you can get it on our
This is part of the suite.

Applies to:

Related styles:

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