Tumblr Modern Sharp

Added by nohtml@userstyles, Created: Nov 02, 2014, Updated: Nov 08, 2014
With the style applied


A theme with:
-Partially transparent top bar.
-Sharpened posts borders.
-Sharpened avatars.
-Sharpened buttons.
-Replaced/removed colours.
-Removed sidebar gradient.
-Resized and moved elevator/scroll-to-top button.

By no-html.tumblr.com

More info
-Sharpened post brick

-Avatar on radar now sharpened
-Radar sharpened
-Fixed some parts of posts not being sharp
-Blog summary/popout is now sharp
-Sharpened dashboard post permalink on top right corner
-Updated license information and link to userstyles location

Applies to:
https://www.tumblr.com, http://www.tumblr.com

Related styles:

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