This style was deleted by its author, interactionable@userstyles

interactionable@userstyles deleted this style

Try 2Do-like style for Toodledo instead of this deleted style.

See more styles for Toodledo

NEW 2Do style for Toodledo

Added by interactionable@userstyles, Created: Jan 26, 2015, Updated: Jan 26, 2015
No screenshot


So I had 2Do is an iOS, Android, and Mac OS app that syncs with Toodledo. It used to have a skeuomorphic interface based on natural elements like wood, leather, and cloth. Now it's gone all minimal just like everything in the Mac world. Sigh. But anyway, just so that I can get my Toodledo experience feeling a bit consistent, I've created a new style that uses some of the schemes of the new 2Do.

More info
v01.0: First version

Applies to:

Related styles:

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