This style was deleted by its author, Diddle@userstyles

Diddle@userstyles deleted this style

Try Lights Out (White Pages be Gone!) instead of this deleted style.

See more styles for Ibood

iBood - Grey Redesign & Site cleanup

Added by Diddle@userstyles, Created: Feb 06, 2009, Updated: Mar 05, 2009
With the style applied


This style is meant for, a European site that offers one product a day for a strongly reduced price. Every new product is posted at 0:00, when it's dark outside and most likely around you, so a 99% white page in your face sucks, hence the grey redesign. This style works for all languages.

It removes:
- The duplicate links in the header
- The RSS Feed button
- The text below the header
- The entire footer (FAQ links, contact information and payment method icons)

It changes:
- The layout is turned grey to make it easier on the eyes
- The location of the Quote link on the forum to save vertical space

- Embedded the images into the CSS to avoid external image hostings problems in the future

Applies to:

Related styles:

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