Evernote with less eyestrain

Added by RobertJSawyer@userstyles, Created: Feb 28, 2015, Updated: May 10, 2015
With the style applied


The default bright white background makes Evernote very hard to use for long periods. This style is based on Neat Evernote 0.1 (19-07-2014) by Kairi Kameo, but adding additional CSS elements to control note font (typeface), note background color (and padding around the note, which is controlled by the "Body" element), note-snippet background color, and note-snippet title background color.

More info
I'm no expert on CSS, and cobbled this together; I welcome improvements and the addition of the ability to customize more parts of the Evernote screen, including Note title foreground/background. Many thanks!

If you don't like the soft-green background color I've chosen, change all occurrences of "#C0DCC0" to whatever color you prefer.

Kari Kameo wrote the original style this is based on.

Note: This style sheet is in Firefox/Mozillla format. To use it with the Chrome browser, delete '@-moz-document url-prefix("https://www.evernote.com") {' and the final '}' at the end.

Applies to:

Related styles:

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