This style was deleted by its author, mod_wastrel@userstyles

mod_wastrel@userstyles deleted this style because of "The site is now using Lightbox for screenshots."

Try usoMain simplerStyle instead of this deleted style.

See more styles for screenshots unresized plus

Added by mod_wastrel@userstyles, Created: Mar 23, 2009, Updated: Mar 24, 2009
No screenshot


More info
Briefly: display full-size screenshot images, side-by-side for multiple screenshots, but vertically with a click of the mouse button (because, depending on the images, one orientation is better for comparison than the other).

Less briefly: this is an update/companion to my style. Initially, this style will simply remove the sizing restriction placed on images--allowing them to display side-by-side, but at their native size. For multiple images this might mean they exceed the width of the window. To make them display vertically simply click on either of the images; when you release the mouse button, they'll return to the side-by-side display. To make the vertical display persistent simply click on either image and drag it a little until the "no drop" indicator (the circle with the line through it) appears and release the mouse button; when you're done, clicking anywhere on the page will restore the original side-by-side display. (I've left code in the style--commented out--which will restrict the display to the window width (100%) on hover; feel free to uncomment it, play with it, reverse the actions, etc. as you wish. I generally don't like such resizing because it slows down scrolling/paging; I prefer using the Javascript bookmarklet described in my aforementioned style when I want to "reduce" image(s), or just maximizing the window is enough to see all of the image. Also, you may prefer to uncomment the ':hover' for the initial display so that you only get the full-size image on hover; it's up to you.)

Demo time...
After installing this style, you can test it out using the following styles (but don't forget to disable any style with a similar "unresizing" function in order to get accurate results):

Better comparison with side-by-side display (default--no further action required*):

Better view with vertical display (no probable need to scroll*--simple click & release):

Better comparison with vertical display (possible need to scroll*--click & drag useful):

Large-ish image (may need to maximize Firefox window* [or reduce image using either the Javascript bookmarklet or some other method, or just mod this style to limit width to 100%] to see entire image):

* Depending on your window size

Applies to:
CC0 1.0 Universal.
mod_wastrel@userstyles has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to screenshots unresized plus, to the extent allowed by law.

Related styles:

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