This style was deleted by its author, ColtonDRG@userstyles

ColtonDRG@userstyles deleted this style because of "I haven't updated this in a long time. I might make it updated again if I see the need. For now I recommend you use the upstream versions. They have fixed a lot (not all) of the things I have problems with."

Try Youtube Dark Comfort Blue instead of this deleted style.

See more styles for Youtube

YouTube Dark Blue Fixed

Added by ColtonDRG@userstyles, Created: Sep 13, 2015, Updated: Sep 19, 2015
No screenshot


I have forked the style from here and fixed a few things:

This is like the theme above, but it has the spritesheets mirrored at an HTTPS enabled site, getting rid of the yellow padlock in the address bar and making it green again when using YouTube. It also makes the style fully compatible with the new YouTube HTML5 player update, fixing the scrubber, volume slider, and settings. I will add other features and optimizations as I see fit.

More info
Version: 0.3
Released: 09/19/2015 12:46 UTC
Remember to periodically install patches! They fix bugs and keep the theme up to YouTube's framework!

Plans for an unspecified future version
- Fix various issues affecting narrow displays (mobile mode)
- Fix big red play button on embedded player.
- Make a red version (this will be released separately)

If you find any bugs or have feature requests, please let me know so I can add them to my todo list. It's also worth noting that I test this mostly in Chrome because Firefox behaves oddly in my computer. If you want me to add special support for some userscript or plugin, I can consider it. Currently it supports AlienTube, because I use that one. You may notice the style deactivating itself on Creator Studio pages. This is intentional as these pages are not something the average YouTube user would use frequently, so they aren't worth the time to maintain properly. These pages might be added in the future, but not right now. If you use the Creator Studio you'll just have to put up with it the way it is.
You can contact me via email coltondrg[at]coltondrg[dot]com

Patch notes
Version 0.3
- Fixed a bug with the page container being too far away from the top banner
- Fixed a bug with stage mode having extraneous black space above the player
- Fixed some red bits in the player, specifically on the gear button/menu and the caption button
- Improved AlienTube support (fixed the preview box, fixed commenting as text, fixed submit and cancel buttons, more)
Version 0.2
- Fixed some issues with the CSS still contacting the insecure spritesheet mirror causing errors in the console.
Version 0.1
- First release

Applies to:
https?://(www.)?!dashboard|my_videos|edit|analytics|features|audiolibrary/music|comments)(.*),,*)/widget/render/comments\?usegapi=1&first_party_property=YOUTUBE&href=(.*),[0-9]/(.*)/_/widget/render/comments\?usegapi=1&first_party_property=YOUTUBE&href=(.*)... More »

Related styles:

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