IBM Verse - Themed Inbox Enhancements

Added by RSCHOON@userstyles, Created: Sep 15, 2015, Updated: Apr 17, 2017
With the style applied
Main Color
Secondary Color
Inbox Background Color
Unread Subject Color
Unread Name Color
Unread Background Color
Read Name Color
Font Color
Date Color
High Priority Color


IBM Verse - Themed Inbox Enhancements is very similar to my other script IBM Verse - Inbox Enhancements, but I have added the ability to allow users to choose their own colors if they wish.

This style incorporates many updates to the new IBM Verse tool to better utilize screen space. It makes certain elements smaller, certain parts larger, moves the search and compose bar, and updates colors to make various pieces of mail stand out.

More info
Note: The way that works, when I update the script, it will not automatically download the update. You will need to enter your color changes again, so I would suggest writing down the hex values if you don't just use the default colors (which are the same as my IBM Verse - Inbox Enhancements script colors).

Applies to:,,, More »
CC0 1.0 Universal.
RSCHOON@userstyles has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to IBM Verse - Themed Inbox Enhancements, to the extent allowed by law.

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