Customize DeviantArt watch bar

Added by Katieline@userstyles, Created: Dec 16, 2015, Updated: Jun 16, 2016
  • With the style applied
  • recolor comparison
  • shrink/display examples
Where do you want these changes applied?
Display the watch bar at all on chosen pages?
Make watch bar STOP scrolling with page?
Make the watch bar smaller?
Display only the Notifications/Notes links on watch bar?
Remove the / separator?
Recolor the watch bar?


Makes the DeviantArt watch bar look better. Options for where to show the selected changes, whether to display the bar at all, to make it stick to the top and not scroll down the page, to shrink the bar or not, to show only the Notifications/Notes links, to remove the separator, and/or recolor the bar.

More info
1.0 12-16-15
1.1 12-17-15
1.2 12-17-15
1.2.1 6-6-16
1.2.2 6-16-16

Release notes:

1.2.2: added a line for debugging purposes

1.2.1: changed clunky regexp to proper url-prefix

1.2: DA changed link order, updated to fix it; added option to leave a space behind when hiding bar

1.1: more customization! added choice of: where to display changes, whether to display the bar at all, whether to make it stop scrolling, whether to shrink it, whether to show only the Notifications links, whether to show / separator

1.0: recolor option: invert bar colors, changed font, shrank text slightly

Written and tested in Firefox 35; cannot guarantee compatibility with other browsers or versions.

On DA:

Applies to:
all URLs

Related styles:

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