Customize DeviantArt thumbnails

Added by Katieline@userstyles, Created: Jan 14, 2017, Updated: Mar 17, 2017
Always show deviation info ?
Shrink thumbnails to 150x150?
Make journal/literature thumbs more readable?
Reduce padding?
Always show stats? (not elegant)
Always show fav corner?


Aka FIX THAT RIDICULOUSNESS. Comes with eight options for customization. For more images of options visit DA page.

More info
1.0 1-14-17
1.0.1 3-17-17

Release notes:

1.0.1 Fixes image scaling in shrinkthumbs (and by "fixes" I mean "stops stretching and compressing everything to 150x150", but they still won't scale properly, thanks DA), fixes a font color in journal-with-background artist info

1.0 Options for:
~showing the info all the time (aka the entire reason you're here)
~shrinking the thumbnails to 150x150 pixels max
~forcing a solid background and stat recolor on journal/literature thumbs for contrast and readability purposes
~recoloring the fav corner and/or recoloring the black fade on deviation thumbs to dark green
~hiding the fav corner and/or the stats (this will override the last two options)
~reducing the padding
~forcing the stats to always appear (please note that although this works, it's not super pretty, and is especially not-pretty if you also shrink the thumbs) (this will override the padding)
~forcing the fav corner to always appear

Written and tested in Firefox 35; cannot guarantee compatibility with other browsers or versions.

On DA:

Applies to:

Related styles:

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