Google Autohide Dots II

Added by Izzy@userstyles, Created: May 06, 2009, Updated: Mar 05, 2012
With the style applied


This is an updated version of - made to work with more Google sites. b0at@userstyles - feel free to "steal" your code back for an update :)

For screenshots, please see the original style.

Recommended to be used together with :)

More info
As it stopped working with the redesign of the google pages, here comes an updated variant. It reduces the top navigation bar to a tiny blue dot in the upper-left corner so you see more of the results (essentially about 2-3 lines) - just move your mouse over this spot to regain that menu.

Remark: It seems sometimes this also hides the search term input (does so on my Linux machine when not signed-in to Google, but not on the office PC running Windows). But this is also regained when moving the mouse pointer ofer the dot...

Applies to:, http://google.,, More »

Related styles:

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