SFGate - Smaller Rez

Added by ctcurry@userstyles, Created: Jul 30, 2016, Updated: Jul 30, 2016
  • With the style applied
  • Sports video cleanup


Fixes many scrolling, video, gallery and positioning of unnecessary scrolling of article content. Particularly useful for smaller res. laptops and those who do not wish Flash player to be so intrusive (Vemba, etc)

Cleans up many SFGate issues for smaller resolution screens:
- Shrinks gallery/slide shows to become part of the flow of the article
- Removes fixed video player from positioning itself on page scrolls
- Shrinks article footer so that Comments button does not require further scolls
- Wraps article content around galleries
- Hides affliate 'Top Deals' on right-side and pushes content articles up
- Smaller/tighter headline leaders
- Improved article flow heading

Please let me know other page/content types which you would like to see!

More info
0.5 - Initial trial release
0.5.1 - Other video player content (sports, etc)
0.5.2 - Related Links shrinkage and Headline smaller fonts

Applies to:

Related styles:

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