This style was deleted by its author, vetinari@userstyles

vetinari@userstyles deleted this style because of "can't update this style as fast as YT changes its website - no more updates for this style - sorr."

Try Youtube Umbra instead of this deleted style.

See more styles for Youtube

xBYTE: extended Black YouTube Embodiment

Added by vetinari@userstyles, Created: Jun 25, 2009, Updated: Aug 25, 2009
No screenshot


A dark gray redesign* for including GUI-tweaks, better use of different screen sizes/resolutions and some eye-candy.
(example screenshots taken on a 1680px width monitor - query results page)

*based on the grey/color scheme of

update(24.08.2009)fixed the 'new' top navigation
update(01.07.2009)again changes on the popular/mostviewed - bar (YT uses 'table' for submenu-layout since today --> strange *G*)
update(28.06.2009)some adjustments in movie, channel & account section (& thx to - the opacity issue should be fixed now)
update(27.06.2009)minor changes on the popular/mostviewed - bar (YT seems to be in an active phase agin ;-) )

Applies to:,

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