Fix YouTube Watched Badges & Red Bars -- Dark Mod

Added by Anthony Martinez@userstyles, Created: Nov 20, 2016, Updated: Nov 24, 2016
  • With the style applied
  • Same video page, but with the style disabled.
Configure Red Progress Bars


YouTube has recently changed the way they mark videos as "Watched", by adding a red progress bar under the thumbnails of videos you've seen. While it's not terrible in theory, the current execution seems broken. Sometimes the progress bar doesn't get to 100%, even if you do actually watch the whole video. That in turn may prevent the "Watched" badge from showing up, if it even comes up at all anymore. My code sidesteps that mess by adding a "Watched" badge to any watched video, regardless of how much of it you've seen, and it optionally forces the progress bar to be 100%, or hides the progress bar.

More info
This is an alternate version of my geared for YouTube's default color scheme. This version is suitable if you use dark YouTube skins such as or My "watched" badge appearance is based on code from the Dark Grey style.

Tested on Firefox and Opera. "Watched" badges should show on the home page, History and Subscription pages, channel landing pages, channel Video pages, playlist pages, search pages, and recommended video sidebars. If anything is missing or doesn't look/function right, please let me know!

Version 1.1 - Nov. 24, 2016: Fixed "watched" badge appearance on search pages.
Version 1.0 - Nov. 20, 2016: Initial release.

Applies to:

Related styles:

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